
Get on with kitesurfing with Kite+

Difficulty getting "real" started with kitesurfing? Unfortunately, we see that many course participants do not progress with kitesurfing after a beginner's course. From experience, we know that starting up on your own can seem a bit unmanageable. But fear not, because we think we have found the solution, KITE+.

What is KITE+

Kite+ is a service where we 2 fixed days per week has at least one instructor on the beach (NOTE. only applies if there is at least 6 m/s from the west). The instructor will make sure to welcome you and help you with launch, landing and of course answer any questions you may have. So it's not teaching, but a way where you get out and kitesurf and meet other like-minded people. It is therefore a joint session, where we are responsible for organizing it. If time permits, the instructor(s) will of course offer tips and tricks on how to progress with the sport. In addition, it is possible for you before and after to write to us what you would like to work on, and we will help you learn it, for example by finding good tutorials and sending them your way.

Conditions for participation

  • Equipment package must be purchased through us.
  • You must have passed either our test or Dansk Sejlunion's Kitesurfer 1 or IKO level 3. It costs NOK 649 to have this test done and takes approx. 1 hour. The test is included in all our courses.
  • You must agree that it is not a lesson, but a joint session.
  • Accept that all sailing is at your own risk.
  • You must be booked in through our system every time.
  • You must have insurance that covers kitesurfing.

practical information

  • We are always out on a weekday afternoon/evening.
  • If the weather forecast does not look promising, kite+ will be cancelled. There must be at least 6 m/s and the wind must come from a westerly direction. Other weather phenomena can also mean cancellation.
  • Equipment can be rented in connection with kite+.

Connect with Fellow Beginners

We also have an active Facebook group where you can connect with other beginner kite surfers and share your experiences. This allows you to learn from others and share your own experiences. We also announce when we teach on days other than the regular ones, so you can attend and get help.