What should you pay attention to when buying your first kitesurfing equipment?

This blog post deals with what you should pay attention to when you, as a beginner, buy your first kite. If you are looking for beginner kitesurfing equipment, you might want to stop by our kitesurfing shop in Copenhagen. Not sure which kite is right for you? So let us guide you so you can be sure to get the right equipment. You will find the address of our store at the bottom of the page
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You want a kite that is stable, easy to go upwind with and then it must have as large a wind range as possible. Don't believe everything they write on various chat forums or facebook groups about how good this or another kite is. You don't want to start with a kite that hinders your development. You want to start with a kite that you can develop on and have over a longer period of time. It is important to note that you can of course develop regardless of which kite you buy. But buying the right kite the first time will make your development in the sport easier.
Rent or buy kitesurfing equipment:
Renting kite equipment can be a good way to get started with the sport and there are also advantages:
- You have the opportunity to try different brands and find the kite that suits you best.
- It is easier to travel with. You can always rent equipment when you reach the spot.
We also rent equipment ourselves, so write to us if you are interested in renting equipment.
If you only kitesurf one week a year, it might be a good idea to rent equipment. If you already plan to kitesurf a lot and live close to a spot, you should consider buying your own kitesurfing equipment.
We also recommend that you buy your own kite equipment because:
- It is cheaper in the long run. 2 weeks' rental of equipment costs approx. the same as 1 kite.
- You can go out and surf whenever you want.
- It is easier to develop with your own equipment, as it is not a new kite every time.
If you decide to buy your own equipment, the question is just…
New or used kitesurfing equipment?
New kitesurfing equipment:
New equipment will always be more expensive to start with, it can cost between DKK 10,000-15,000 just for a kite. So the question is more whether you can afford it.
If you can afford it, you should consider buying new equipment. The advantages are, among other things, that you are sure that the equipment does not fail and if there are problems with the equipment, you have the brand's guarantee that they cover it.
You will find all our kites here .
Used kitesurfing equipment
Used equipment will be cheaper, you can often for a good price right after or at the start of the season when kite surfers, kite schools and kite shops have to sell off their old gear to afford next year's models.Sometimes the year is subordinate, you can get an old kite which is almost never used, on the other hand you can also get a kite from last year which is worn and has several different repairs.
Our recommendations are to buy a kite that is in good condition, even if it is an older kite. When you start kitesurfing you will initially throw it hard into the water and therefore it might break. You can miss quite a few sessions because your kite was broken or leaking, at the same time it can also be dangerous if a kite is very worn because you never know when a line or the kite might break.
We do not recommend buying kites older than 2012, because so much has happened with the technology and safety systems since then - in addition, there is a chance that the kite is very worn.
How do you check if used equipment is in good condition:
Canopy : Start by checking the canopy (tablecloth), see if the material is worn or if there are other defects. If the material has stretch marks or the colors of the material are less prominent, this means that the kit has been used quite a bit. You can also place the kite in the sun or in front of some light and see if there should be any small holes in the canvas, in addition also check around the leading edge and the middle strut as you often overlook the holes here.
Leading edge : Check the leading edge and see if there should be any holes or other scares. If you can see the bladder through the holes, you should have it repaired immediately.
Leaking : The best way to check if the kit is leaking is to pump up the kit hard and leave it for a few hours, making sure the valve you get closes properly.
Repairs : If there is any major damage to the kite, have a professional sailmaker fix it. Kites with repairs will also be cheaper to buy.
Pigtails / bridles / pulleys : Check if there should be any damage, if they are very worn it also means that the kit has been used a lot.
Kite size
When choosing the size of your kite you should consider 3 things:
Your weight : The size of your kite depends on how much you weigh. So a heavier kitesurfer will take a bigger kite than a smaller kitesurfer will, even if it's the same weather conditions. Most kite brands have a kite size chart. So it will be a good place to get an overview, otherwise we recommend always asking where you buy your kite and let them guide you in relation to these 3 factors
You should also consider what the spot you kitesurf at is like, does it often blow a lot or maybe it doesn't blow that much. For example here in Copenhagen it doesn't wind that much, so here it would be a good idea to have a bigger kite, for example. a 12 m. If, on the other hand, you live close to a spot where it is often very windy, you will want a smaller kite, for example a 9 m. It's always a good idea to ask the locals as that would have information about the spot that the weather forecast doesn't have.
Can you have a kite for all weather conditions
No, although some days you will easily be able to make do with just 1 kite. But if the wind suddenly gets stronger or there are days of light wind, it won't work. Most kitesurfers have between 2-3 kites in size 12,9,7, this covers most weather conditions. But of course it depends on your weight and choice of board size.
The shape of the kite
When you buy your first kite, you want it to have some characteristics that are easy to develop: easy relaunch, good for going upwind and a large wind range, these characteristics will make you develop faster and at the beginning you will get more out of your sessions. Kites with these karate features are typically found on delta or bow shaped kites, which we will review now.
There are 4 types of kites.
Delta kites
Delta kites will be the best choice as your first kite. The shape of the kit makes it easy to relaunch again. You just pull on one side of the bar and a few seconds later the kite will automatically lift from the water. In addition, delta kites are a little slower, which makes them stable in the air and more forgiving when you make mistakes. Due to The bridle system gives delta kites a large wind range and at the same time they tolerate strong gusts of wind.
Best for: Freeride and beginners
Bow kites
Bow kites are one of the most popular types of kites and were also one of the first types of kites when kitesurfing started. The bow shape means that the kite has good upwind properties, a large wind range and in addition the kite can be easily depowered due to the bridle/pulley system. The shape of the kite gives you a big lift in your jumps, at the same time as a good hang time. It is also a good choice as your first kite as it has many of the properties that make it easier for you to develop.
Best for: Freeride, old school, light wind and racing.
Hyprid kites (Open C design)
This is a combination of bow and c-kites. Here you get the best properties from each kite and therefore you get the best all round experience of this kite. These kites offer more options for you as a kitesurfer - but you will have to be more active in your control of the kite. It could be a perfect kite after you have built up a good kite control and you are ready to develop or try your hand at other disciplines such as big air, wave surfing or if you just want to kitesurf and have more options.
Best for: Freeride, big air, wave surfing, freestyle. A good mix for a bit of everything.
C kites
This kind of kite offers good stability and pop for unhooked tricks, these characteristics will be appreciated by a more experienced kitesurfer who focuses on freestyle and wakestyle. Often used C kites will have a very attractive price, but don't be tempted by the cheap price as these kites will be more difficult to develop on.
Best for: Freestyle and wakestyle
What other equipment do you need?
Now that you know what kind of kite you should buy, it's time to get the rest of the gear like, a suitable bar, trapeze, kiteboard and a wetsuit!
Kite bar
Always buy a bar when you buy your kite. That way, you know that the kite and bar fit together and you won't have problems with whether they fit together. Most bars fit all kites, but you will often need to adjust them.
If you buy a used bar, always check whether the safety system works and check the lines for holes or small tears in the lines.
You will find all our kite bars here .
Probably during your kitesurfing course, you used a sitting trapeze as it moves less because it is connected to your hips and around your legs. This way you avoid it crawling up to the chest because you lower the center of gravity, which can help in the beginning.
A hip trapeze can be more comfortable to wear and it gives you a better opportunity to move. In addition, it is easier to go upwind, but you must be aware that the hip trapezium moves more and can climb up, which can make it uncomfortable in the chest. Try to find the right size and try before you buy!
The trapeze can last for several years and is available at a reasonable price, so take your time and choose the trapeze you feel comfortable with, don't choose by color!
See all our trapezes here .
What size kitesurfing board should you choose?
- bigger kiteboard - smaller kite
- smaller board - bigger kite
Check it out here on how to choose the kiteboard that suits you best. You will find all our kiteboards here .
Buy a wetsuit made for kitesurfing or for regular surfing, these wetsuits will be more elastic and comfortable. Depending on where you surf determines how thick the suit should be.
Kitesurfing package offer / starter kit
Regardless of whether you are a new or experienced kitesurfer, a kitesurfing package will give you some good discounts compared to buying kite and kiteboard separately. All our kitesurfing packages come complete with everything you need. The kite comes complete with bar, line, trapeze, pump and bag, the board comes with fins, handles and straps.
We recommend these kitesurfing starter packages for beginners who have just started kitesurfing.